Real-World Coding Experience.

What inspires me to take action.

Knowledge is the key to success in life. No matter what happens,  the one thing that can’t be taken from you is your mind. And the more you know, the farther you will go. 

Knowledge for sure is power, however without the action of that knowledge, it is useless. With that said, continuing to learn, share and grow are my life goals. 

Welcome To My Website

Have you ever felt that your school or the online training course did not prepare you to be a proficient coder but rather, it prepared you to just pass the certification exam and you feel that you are not ready for the prime time? Although having a coding credential is required these days, it doesn’t guarantee you will get the job you are applying for. The employers or hospitals will test your coding skill with their real records and this is where you don’t do well. Some coders are lucky to find a job but then struggle with coding complex cases and daily productivity; as a result, they feel overwhelmed and under too much pressure at work.

To solve this problem, I intend to bring my 20+ years of medical coding experience into the classroom and you will find that my training course is unique and valuable. I will prepare you for the real world coding and help you to be one of the best coders.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!  

Hoang Nguyen, BS, CIRCC, CCS, CCS-P, ACS-CA, RHIT.